I ruled the world
with a twelve inch stick
until the meter man came to town.
I carry a pencil and a yellow legal pad
and I write the numbers down.
A one, a two, a three and four
a five a six and seven
an eight, on course
a nine and ten
the Natural way to eleven.
Nothing adds Wholeness
so zero's a round
and between each whole one
a numberless number of numbers
are found.
An integerial qualification
associates with each
so this one here is present
that one there is reach.
Friction causes fractions
no less and no more
a dividing line can but divide
that is what it's for.
Prime numbers are a special lot.
The point of which the point they've not.
And if I can tell one story
and then I have to die,
I'd tell a tale that goes on and on
and that's the tail of Pi.

digital image: Eugenia Miller