down the same hole
Ground zero, sentience central.
Every here and gone, came and went
and built upon the big event.
U in you and me in time.
Little t, I and Me, tIMe.
Pissed off Richard Feynman
when someone asked him why?
One more truth
and we'll have what it takes
to break it down and parse the breaks.
Most mornings the cycle starts
with stinky breath and healthy farts.
The cycle ends most nights too
blacking out and silent.
In between wake and woke
for the time being being mortal
being human your presence note
and possess as if you have choice
and choose again possession.
The actual factual is mutual you will
but you must, agree
Old words told the story,
scribes barely mentioned
the first time to their knowledge
the packaging of sound.
Tame the heart mind the head.
Start started. Start stopped.
Get going. Get get.